Real Life Educational Booklet

Discussion Guide on "Fear"

What is an Immigrant

Emotions are often complex and can be hard to understand. Why do we even have them? Do they serve any purpose? The answer is yes! Every emotion helps us to understand and respond to our environment appropriately. Like nearly all emotions, fear has both a good (or healthy) side, and a bad (or unhealthy) side.

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Discussion Guide and Worksheets on Gratitude


On April 21, 2008 Grammy-nominated classical violinist Philippe Quint was returning from a concert in Dallas.Inadvertently, Mr. Quint left a very expensive violin, a Stradivarius, in the back seat of a cab he had taken at the Manhattan Airport...

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The Syrian Refugee Crisis Discussion Guide & Activity Sheets


Did you know that millions of people have fled Syria since 2011 because of a civil war? A civil war is a war between different groups of people from the same country. For example, the US had a Civil War in 1861-1865. This war was ...

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Discussion Guide on "What Is An Immigrant?"

What is an Immigrant

On April 21, 2008 Grammy-nominated classical violinist Philippe Quint was returning from a concert in Dallas.Inadvertently, Mr. Quint left a very expensive violin, a Stradivarius, in the back seat of a cab he had taken at the Manhattan Airport...

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