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Discussion Booklet on Gratitude for Elementary kids

Gratitude for elementary kids. Discussion booklet and worksheets

Gratitude is not something that came easy for me. I was raised in a typical middle-class suburb and my parents did too way too much for me. I took a lot of thing for granted.

I, too, like a lot of kids now days, had the wrong idea that possibly I was the center of the universe and the graceful action towards me were due.


Even though I had learned to say thank you.

Forward a few years, I left home and learned some valuable lessons.

I quickly came to realize into adulthood that most people were kind to me by choice.

Not that I was completely oblivious to it all, but after being subjected to difficult, sometimes dangerous, situations, I discover this deep feeling of true thankfulness and appreciation of what others had done for me.

You know that feeling, when you are humbled by the kindness of someone who did something for you with no expectations of anything in return or nothing to gain for them.

In fact, there is often a cost to those showing kindness to others. Could be their time, sacrificing their busy evening with a love one. It also can be a financial sacrifice to them to.

I finally grew up and learned what gratitude was about. Probably took me longer than most of you reading this blog post.

I used to tell my kids the old saying “No good action goes unpunished”. “But, You do them anyway.”

About two years ago I started this discussion booklet on Gratitude.

Article for kids on Gratitude

I chose a couple of video relating the Story of Word class violinist Philip Quint who inadvertently saw his cab driver take off with his multi million-dollar violin.

I play violin (fiddle) so this story appealed to me.

With this educational booklet, kids will explore Gratitude

They will explore Mr. Quint’s feeling and horror at the situation and also the likely thought process of Mr. Khalil (the taxi driver) towards returning the violin.

This will lead finally to the Gratitude expressed to Mr. Kahlil by Mr. Quint.


Gratitude worksheet

The booklet is designed like a kid’s magazine. It contains the following:

  • The article and video links relating the story.

  • An article “Taking your Thank You Notes to the next level”.
  • A Take home hand-out six-steps

  • An Article on Ethics and Morality

  • A Lesson plan for grades 123

  • A Lesson plan for grades 456

  • Worksheets

For you members of my site, login and you can have access to the articles on my websites for free.

Here is the link:

You can purchase the full package with the lesson plan and worksheets if you want to take these tools a step further.

In case you wonder… Yes, I am a grateful boy now and I make sure I tell my “Maman” every time I visit her.

If your reading this far, you care enough to help grow good character in kids.

For this, we should all be grateful.